Housing ends homelessness.
Share your support and help end it!
Your “Scan to Share” donation will go to nonprofits throughout Philadelphia through a competitive process, providing homes and services to families and people who are experiencing homelessness. The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS) administers the funds. OHS and its network of 70 nonprofit, faith-based, and government partners offer people real opportunities to exit homelessness once and for all. OHS provides the leadership, coordination, and planning to not only prevent people from becoming homeless but provide emergency shelter when they do.
Donate today to spread your contribution even further!
PHLCares, a business-led initiative that invests in pathways to housing solutions, will further share your donation with a dollar-for-dollar match! Altogether, your donation can help establish more long-term housing, including affordable rentals with employment and services — getting more people off the streets and reclaiming their lives. In recent years, thousands of Philadelphians have overcome homelessness. Together, we can help thousands more do the same.
Thank you for helping to make homelessness on the streets of Philadelphia rare, brief, and non-recurring.