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Philadelphia’s Office of Sustainability, with support of the Philadelphia Environmental Justice Advisory Commission and William Penn Foundation, is launching the Community Resilience & Environmental Justice Fund. This Fund will support community groups working to ensure that all Philadelphia residents have a livable community, free of environmental toxins and hazards. This means:

  • Clean air, land, and water
  • Healthy, fresh, and culturally appropriate foods
  • Homes, jobs, and neighborhoods free from pollutants and toxins
  • Communities that are resilient to the impacts of climate change, such as flooding and extreme heat

In recognition of the fact that communities in Philadelphia have been working to address these issues, this Fund will provide a 12-month grant of $10,000 to organizations and projects working towards long-term environmental justice in Philadelphia. These funds must be used within 12 months of being awarded. $150,000 is available for community organizations in this round of funding. This Grant Fund will award $10,000 awards to 15 organizations in this grant round.


View the Grant Fund FAQ

Ver las preguntas frecuentes sobre el Fondo de subvenciones



Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for a grant from the Community Resilience & Environmental Justice Fund, organizations must be:

  • Located in Philadelphia and serving Philadelphians experiencing environmental injustices
  • Led by people most affected by the problem or issue that is being addressed
  • Working on a long-term plan for environmental justice (See FAQ for more details)
  • A 501(c)(3) or a community-based organization (including school-based youth groups) working with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor


The Community Resilience & Environmental Justice Fund will award $10,000 grants to groups working on:

  • Coalition and collaboration building activities
  • Community organizing
  • Organizational capacity building
  • Removing barriers that create and perpetuate environmental injustices
  • Environmental justice education and engagement
  • Youth leadership and development
  • Community-driven planning for environmental justice, climate adaptation, and decarbonization
  • Implementation of projects related to environmental justice


Information Sessions

A general information session covering the grant application, eligibility criteria and featuring a Q&A Session was hosted on Monday, June 26th.

Click here to view a recording of the Information Session. Audio translations for the information session are available by clicking the globe button at the bottom the video.

Haga clic aquí para ver una grabación de la sesión de información. Las traducciones de audio para la sesión de información están disponibles haciendo clic en el botón del globo terráqueo en la parte inferior del video.

点击此处查看信息发布会的录音.  单击视频底部的地球按钮即可获取信息会议的音频翻译。

Passcode: 19p^1HQm

A special information session for first-time grant applicants was also held on Thursday, June 29th from 12:00–2:00 p.m. Those applying to a grant for the first time were invited to attend the session to ask tailored questions about the grant application process.


To Apply

This opportunity is closed and grant recipients have been selected. See the list of 2023 grant recipients.

This initiative is administered by the Philadelphia City Fund (formerly the Mayor’s Fund for Philadelphia). All selected grantees will receive grant funding directly from the Philadelphia City Fund.

Outstanding questions about the Grant Fund can be directed to Justina Thompson at with the Subject Line: CREJ Grant Fund.